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painting of a lady with sad story of how i lost all my files and paintings.

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October was A very busy month for me i had learnt some new digital tricks on how to pant, i had more studio company works to my portfolio and even more good and beautiful ones to my personal portfolio, but one fateful Tuesday afternoon, while i was working a project file for my studio my computer had a problem and wouldn't stop working, it restarted on its own and its, didn't wanna load my desktop. i was so worried and thought maybe there was a bad ram in there that didn't want to do its job, until, the computer stopped coming on, and it was a until the computer repairman came to check and saw that i had a very weak hardrive , its shows its working, but its not powerful to load what's inside of it.

what's the lesson here. always have a backup, it may be a flash, it may be another hardrive, it may be the google cloud itself but just make sure your file ae stored safely somewhere else that is trusted ,and, you know will always stay there, and by the looks of it, it seems its the google cloud that's quite helpful. so don't be like dear old me who lost all the beautiful and wonderful artwork he wanted to show, because he didn't backup his files well, its even one of the reason why my account as been dormant for a week, need to get my things together and start from the very beginning again. as for the process of todays painting, here are the processes,



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fg ngtnhrth.jpgas always i still remains yours truly, and do not worry with tour support well get through this till the end, thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day

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painting of a lady with sad story of how i lost all my files and paintings. was published on and last updated on 19 Nov 2021.