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stylized portrait mixed color portrait painting

faith pencil realism.png


Sorry for posting this late guys, I'm having a little trouble with my pc, and i had to back upi my files so i wont loose anything.

This was a commissioned painting i did, for someone really close to me, she wanted it to look traditional, but i told her, your boy doesn't play like that anymore, we on the digital side now, so she accepted and i decided to spice things up a little for her, show her the little benefits of digital painting lol, and here we are, i mixed up gray scale with a little bit off colored, to make the cloth and jewelries pop

faith pencil realism 1.png

faith pencil realism 2.png

faith pencil realism 3.png

faith pencil realism 4.png

faith pencil realism 5.png

faith pencil realism.png

id graph.jpg

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stylized portrait mixed color portrait painting was published on and last updated on 02 Nov 2022.